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Theoretical Knowledge

User Behavior

Before studying in information studies, I completed a Honours Bachelor of Arts with specialization in Psychology. Having this background allows me to have a deeper understanding of how user response and behaviour is affected by the organization and presentation of information. This relates to specific concepts such as the berrypicking method of searching, or information overload in users looking for information. I have examples of the latter topic under Files.


However, my background in psychology does not only allow me to understand users of information services, but also those delivering those services as well. The prevalence of Imposter Syndrome among librarians and information professionals is a topic of particular interest to me. I am currently working on a research proposal concerning the experience of Imposter Syndrome among students in MIS and MLIS programs accross Canada. An introduction to this research proposal can be found under Files.


How people process information overload today


Prevalence of Imposter Syndrome among MIS and MLIS students accross Canada

Knowledge Organization

In the course of my studies in the MIS program at the University of Ottawa, I have learned many concepts and theories pertaining to the classification and categorizing of information. Namely, I have learned the different elements that goes into the metadata of a document, the differences between thesaurus and taxonomy, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of a folksonomie. The information Organization class not only taught me these concepts, but also taught me to be critical of them. I have analyzed and critiqued different aspects of the organization of an academic database in a paper for this class, which can be found under files.


Evaluation of the Library and Information Science Source database

Government Information

The MIS program at the University of Ottawa is particularly good for learning about how the government handles and disseminates information. Being situated in the capital of Canada, both teachers and students of the program get to familiarize themselves with the Government of Canada's policies and procedures when it comes to information. 


On top of taking a class on government information policy, I also had a couple teachers who worked in the government and  shared their experiences in their teachings. Working in government during my two coop terms also allowed me to observe the concepts I've learned at work in those institutions. I've also learned methods that government officials communicate in their department, as demonstrated by the briefing note I have prepared in my government information policy class, present under Files.


Briefing note

Knowledge: FAQ
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